Latest Episodes

May 17, 2022
A Buddhist Chaplain on Palliative Care
An interview by Uvina Persaud with Buddhist minister Joanne Yuasa about her student practicum work in a hospital palliative care unit, and about how...

May 17, 2022
Inner Pharmacy: A Path to Healing
An interview by Sumeet Kumar with Buddhist monk Adesh on the role of mindfulness in healing. Bhante Adesh shares insights on the role of...

March 21, 2022
Footnotes on "Sex and Sexuality in Buddhism: A Tetralemma"
A reading guide by Frances Garrett for the article, "Sex and Sexuality in Buddhism: A Tetralemma.", by Amy Langenberg, published in 2015 in Religion...

March 14, 2022
Footnotes for “Virtuous Bodies: The Physical Dimensions of Morality in Buddhist Ethics"
A reading guide by Frances Garrett for chapters 4 and 6 from the book, Virtuous Bodies: The Physical Dimensions of Morality in Buddhist Ethics...

March 07, 2022
Footnotes on "Circumambulatory Reading: Revolving Sutra Libraries and Buddhist Scrolls"
A reading guide by Frances Garrett for the article, "Circumambulatory Reading: Revolving Sutra Libraries and Buddhist Scrolls" by Charlotte Eubanks, published in 2010 in...

February 28, 2022
Footnotes for "Race and Religion in American Buddhism: White Supremacy and Immigrant Adaptation"
A Footnotes reading guide by Frances Garrett for two chapters from Joseph Cheah's book, Race and Religion in American Buddhism: White Supremacy and Immigrant...